Sunday, March 9, 2008

Snapshots of today

I didn't have the camera with me, but here are some images of today, in words:

• A male and a female mallard on the creek, quacking away in the early morning light until two black and white collies decided to investigate and cause them to take flight.

• The sound of a Northern flicker drumming for insects in the dead tree in the pasture, stopping to cry its unique weeka-weeka-weeka-weeka-weeka call across the fields.

• Charley play-bowing to Sadie as she runs down the hill. Sadie looking at me in puzzlement. Sadie barking at Charley to play…..and Charley looking at me in puzzlement. Those two will get it together sooner or later!

• Ten little piglets tearing out of their pen onto the front yard to meet visitors, and getting the zoomies around and around the yard – the Pigianapolis 500.

• Ten little piglets each with a big slice of watermelon, each running to their own little place in the yard to consume it without having to share with their brothers or sister.

• Sadie deciding that she would like to be a lap dog and practically knocking me and the chair over backwards.

• My friend Kath, a cat person, totally besotted by Belle as they sit on the bench at the top of the rise, Belle cradled in Kath’s arms and lapping up the attention like she’s been starved of affection for months.

• A teenager from down the street, coming over to ask if she can volunteer to help with the piggies once a week – Yay, Rochelle! You betcha!

• Sadie, tail and head held high, racing off into the pasture for one last walk of the day, then taking off with nose to the ground following the scent of a coyote or a lynx or maybe a rabbit right down to the creek and back up again. She is a happy dog adjusting well to her new life.

• Charley and Sadie, sides practically touching, noses buried deep in the grasses and dirt as they snuffle after the fieldmice that have been running through the pasture.

• Charley and Belle, treking side-by-side down the pasture path as we come home from our evening walk at dusk. Big sister and little sister, as if they’ve been together all their lives.

More magic moments in a memorable day - life with the critters is good.


Sherri said...

Your blog always makes my city girl heart long for the country (though I grew up in the country and absolutely know that I do NOT want to live that life!) I'm so glad things are working out with Sadie and life seems to be unfolding the way it should. It seems that Caleb is watching over all of you, smiling.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful images, we didn't need the camera.

Thanks for sharing.
