Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Flashback: My favourite piggy vids

Piggy vids?  You still have piggy vids of us?

I was working on some photos for a post about my recent trip to the mainland, which included a visit to Hearts on Noses Sanctuary to see "my" piggies - that is, the ones I fostered for them -  when I was distracted by a video which showed up on my Facebook newsfeed, a video of a family of happy horses sleeping and snoring and farting and squeaking.  By the time I watched it, let the dog out, watched it again, let the dog in, poured some wine, played with the dog, changed into pj's, shared some yogurt with the dog, and sat back down at the computer, I was too tired to finish the post I was working on.

But the video of the happy horsey noises reminded me of  my own favourite videos from back in 2009 when I was fostering Scotch and Soda and their ten adolescent piglets. The visual quality of the videos isn't stellar, but the sounds capture so perfectly one of the many reasons I love these critters.  I no longer have the original video (or if I do, it is lost in the bowels of one of my old computers somewhere), so I'm just going to send you to the post.  Turn your speakers on, and enjoy the music of

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that. Needed a chuckle today. And yep, heard the chickens, donkeys and cows. Have a grand day Jean, pat Mizi and (oh okay) Allie for me.....M